Jen Stark
Mint Date: 12/13/2021
Artist Narrative
The phenomena of the spiral is located throughout the natural world, found in everything from nautili and galaxies, to fractals and sacred geometries. Much like the gravitational pull of patterns in the universe, Jen Stark’s series of generative vortexes pays homage to the intricate systems present in our daily lives. Drawing upon the aesthetic practice of her signature paper sculptures, Stark’s hand-cut techniques are translated to adapt and evolve within the digital realm through code, brought to life through harmonic sine waves.
6529 Museum Notes
Vortex is the most trippy and hypnotizing generative art collection. The 6529 Museum has an exceptional collection, including 2 of the 19 Tunnel Light: Light (including the #1 rarest) and one of 4 Shader: Covered vortexes.
Token: 280
Key Traits:
Tunnel Light: Light
Palette Name: Color Division
Vortex Name: Faceted Twist
1/1000 RG
1/1000 ASR
5/1000 AR
Token: 592
Key Traits:
Shader Type: Covered
Palette Name: Rainbow Burst
Vortex Name: Unstable Circle
4/1000 AR
14/1000 RG
14/1000 ASR
Token: 932
Key Traits:
Tunnel Light: Light
Palette Name: Intense Expansion
Vortex Name: Super Micro
19/1000 RG
19/1000 ASR
20/1000 AR
Token: 670
Key Traits:
Palette Name: Saturation Mirror
Vortex Name: Faceted Twist
Shader Type: Striped
36/1000 RG
36/1000 ASR
58/1000 AR
Token: 844
Key Traits:
Vortex Name: Circular Vortex
Palette Name: Sequence 2
Palette Type: Still
167/1000 AR
256/1000 RG
257/1000 ASR
Token: 109
Key Traits:
Palette Name: B/W Rainbow
Vortex Name: Sharp Whirl
Palette Type: Still
262/1000 AR
405/1000 RG
405/1000 ASR
AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio