Thomas Lin Pedersen
Mint Date: 2/1/2022

Artist Narrative

Screens have been at the heart of art mass production and mass consumption for ages. From screen printing techniques, first developed in China around 1000AD and later popularized in western art culture by e.g. Andy Warhol, to the screens on our devices used to consume both digital art as well as most traditional art we experience in our life.

6529 Museum Notes
Screens are aesthetically attractive, with fairly subtle differences among the various traits.   The 6529 Collection has five very rare Screens across dominant palette and grain traits.


One of just 7 Rose palette Screens to fill your heart with romantic warmth.

Token: 391

Key Traits:
Palette: இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ—
Stroke: Calm
Clipping: Tight

2/1000 AR
61/1000 RG
61/1000 ASR

Appears silk-screened by hand thanks to coarse grain and sloppy alignment traits.

Token: 301

Key Traits:
Grain: Coarse
Palette: Penguin
Style: Order and Chaos

16/1000 RG
16/1000 ASR
58/1000 AR

Spiraling from the digital canvas is a seemingly hand drawn fortress.

Token: 170

Key Traits:
Grain: Brushed
Style: Collapse
Color: Gradient

19/1000 AR
71/1000 RG
71/1000 ASR

Pulsating green, blue, and yellow block emerging from this emergent Brushed grain

Token: 455

Key Traits:
Grain: Brushed
Palette: Dreams of a Distant Memory
Screens: Varied

21/1000 AR
57/1000 RG
57/1000 ASR

No errors here. A black and white splotless Screen shows that perfection is possible.

Token: 184

Key Traits:
Palette: Stencil
Alignment: Perfect
Splotches: Off

29/1000 RG
29/1000 ASR
89/1000 AR

AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio