Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez
Mint Date: 02/15/2022

Artist Narrative

Our lives are scattered across several time scales, and the meaning of every event that takes place depends on the time scale that we choose to define & observe them from. Yet we fail to fully comprehend this in our daily errands. Entretiempos is an artwork that reflects on this.

6529 Museum Notes
entretiempos has rich palettes and fairly broad ouput spice. The 6529 collection contains five of the 40 rarest.

954 is a top 10 rarity – one of 32 concise and 54 smalls. It is a compact output.

Token: 954

Key Traits:
colour experience: concise
spatial scale: small
Sonia Delaunay palette: no

6/1000 AR
8/1000 ASR
141/1000 RG

One of 21 thick lines, 660 forms a bulls-eye.

Token: 660

Key Traits:
rings fabric: thick lines – schema
spatial scale: small
rings: broken rings

9/1000 AR
14/1000 ASR
212/1000 RG

One of 87 grayscale, 868 is a desaturated entretiempos.

Token: 868

Key Traits:
background context: triangles
grayscale: yes
temporal form: symphony: a long piece to analyze by parts

18/1000 RG
33/1000 ASR
52/1000 AR

A fairly typical but statistically rare entretiempos.

Token: 671

Key Traits:
background context: triangles
temporal form: symphony: a long piece to analyze by parts
spatial scale range: wide

40/1000 ASR
75/1000 AR
396/1000 RG

385 is our favorite entretiempos. It is more minimalistic and structured than most.

Token: 385

Key Traits:
rings fabric: thick lines – schema
background colour: auburn
additional colour notes: gold accents – pure b&w notes

44/1000 AR
251/1000 RG
314/1000 ASR

540 is a rich crystalline entretiempos.

Token: 540

Key Traits:
background context: triangles
symphony: a long piece to analyze by parts

149/1000 RG
192/1000 ASR
238/1000 AR

A good representative typical entretiempos.

Token: 749

Key Traits:
rings fabric: thick lines – schema
background colour: dark
additional colour notes: gold accents

440/1000 AR
590/1000 RG
659/1000 ASR

AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio