Mint Date: 04/05/2021
Artist Narrative
Synapses is a generative study on movement and texture. Thousands of particles flow in space leaving a trail of their journey. the movements are inspired by swarm behavior and flocking mechanism. The trails when left by each particle resembles the graphite or carbon smudges on the white canvas. The particles follow either single or multiple vectors to create these intricate details.
6529 Museum Notes
Synapses are very pleasing and would look great, large, maybe in a club or theater. The 6529 Museum collection includes 2 of the 29 rare dark Synapses.
Token: 153
Key Traits:
Background: Dark
Orientation: The Spread
Origin: Center
3/700 RG
3/700 ASR
4/700 AR
Token: 504
Key Traits:
Background: Dark
Orientation: The Spread
Origin: Center
3/700 AR
14/700 RG
14/700 ASR
AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio