Para Bellum
Matty Mariansky
Mint Date: 02/08/2022
Artist Narrative
Para Bellum(*) is about the conflict of emotion and gut instinct versus logic and reason. Emotions are portrayed by color fields; logic is illustrated by words. These two forces are fighting for dominance over the canvas. Under the hood, Para Bellum utilizes a thin language engine that was trained by reading dozens of books about rebellion and anarchy to generate (mostly) non-existent English phrases.
6529 Museum Notes
Para Bellum, along with Asemica is the only AB collection with text.
Token: 577
Key Traits:
Palette: China
Layout: Fadelines
Stagger: TRUE
10/1000 RG
10/1000 AR
11/1000 ASR
Token: 761
Key Traits:
Palette: Red List
Stagger: TRUE
Rotate: TRUE
25/1000 AR
43/1000 RG
43/1000 ASR
AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio