Daïm Aggott-Hönsch
Mint Date: 12/12/2020
Artist Narrative
A cryptoart collectible series to indulge the irrepressible human compulsion for pareidolia. This algorithmic homage to Hermann Rorschach's inkblot perception test will help you externalize your inner world.
6529 Museum Notes
Cryptoblots are an accessible entry point to ABC due to the large collection size. The 6529 collection contains one of each type (Unary, Binary and Ternary) and another rare color.
Token: 560
Key Traits:
Color: Beige Brown
Mystery Feature: Unary Cryptoblot
4/1921 AR
11/1921 ASR
18/1921 RG
Token: 1869
Key Traits:
Color: Silver Gray
Mystery Feature: Ternary Cryptoblot
51/1921 AR
53/1921 ASR
57/1921 RG
Strong blue hues in this output are generated by the ‘Savoy Blue' color palette.
Token: 705
Key Traits:
Color: Savoy Blue
Mystery Feature: Binary Cryptoblot
244/1921 ASR
276/1921 RG
291/1921 AR
Token: 900
Key Traits:
Color: Moroccan Blue
Mystery Feature: Unary Cryptoblot
1215/1921 AR
1345/1921 ASR
1421/1921 RG
AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio