Casey REAS
Mint Date: 05/25/2021

Artist Narrative

CENTURY is my homage to paintings and drawings from the twentieth century and the countless hours I've spent looking at them. The references span the origins of concrete and non-objective art to color-field painting and minimalism.

6529 Museum Notes
Casey REAS is a very well known generative artist – CENTURY is his most important on-chain collection. The 6529 Museum collection has an example of three of the four palettes and a statistically rare combination of traits.

This rare “more lines” Century is shown being cut into countless intersecting pieces.

Token: 698

Key Traits:
Line Count: 50
Alpha Value: 212
Line Quantity: More

13/1000 RG
18/1000 ASR
18/1000 AR

The peacefully balanced duo oculi anchor this very unique Century.

Token: 853

Key Traits:
Alpha Value: 234
Slice Count: 21
Line Color Options: 4

62/1000 AR
120/1000 RG
125/1000 ASR

A jet black background brings the minimalist components of Century to light.

Token: 563

Key Traits:
Palette: C
Line Count: 11
Slice Count: 14

137/1000 AR
310/1000 RG
320/1000 ASR

The deep red of this Palette B Century is a wonderful tribute to Ellsworth Kelly.

Token: 430

Key Traits:
Slice Count: 21
Line Count: 10
Line Color Options: 5

148/1000 AR
286/1000 RG
295/1000 ASR

A great look at the true minimalism that inspired Reas' algorithm.

Token: 102

Key Traits:
Alpha Value: 206
Line Count: 18
Slice Count: 12

162/1000 RG
177/1000 ASR
253/1000 AR

An authentic pair for Century 102 in highlighting the scope of Reas' intent.

Token: 419

Key Traits:
Slice Count: 12
Line Color Options: 2
Line Count: 8

831/1000 AR
963/1000 RG
965/1000 ASR

AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio