Edelman et al.
Mint Date: 11/15/2021

Artist Narrative

Abstract typographic elements slide together to create new characters. In some compositions, a single character is featured. In others, characters string together to form words and sentences, which the algorithm shapes into often-familiar layouts.

6529 Museum Notes
Asemica is an unusual collection, focussed on typography, an area generally not well represented in generative art. This 6529 Museum is possibly the top Asemica collection in the world with five of the top 20 in rarity including #1, #3 and #7 and valuable traits well covered.

Mystical characters presented in a blinding orange background of hot midday sun.

Token: 902

Key Traits:
Background Color: Orange
Margin: Mixed
Color By: Character

1/980 RG
2/980 AR
2/980 ASR

A simple look with 4 unique-looking characters evenly-spaced out.

Token: 278

Key Traits:
Margin: Mixed
Color By: Character
Background Color: Ecru

3/980 RG
3/980 AR
3/980 ASR

Rows of mysterious blue and off-white abstract characters make up this extraordinary Asemica.

Token: 610

Key Traits:
Composition: Type Specimen
Color By: Line
Background Color: Newsprint

7/980 AR
25/980 RG
28/980 ASR

Asemica 623's most intriguing part is its singular large character on its top row.

Token: 623

Key Traits:
Composition: Type Specimen
Color By: Line
Background Color: Yellowed

15/980 AR
68/980 ASR
69/980 RG

A ‘wordy' output, this Asemica specimen gets its look from the ‘Article' composition trait.

Token: 576

Key Traits:
Background Color: Green
Color By: Article
Composition: Article

19/980 AR
48/980 RG
50/980 ASR

Curious off-white characters placed over a black background. Clean.

Token: 540

Key Traits:
Grid: 25 (pull)
Background Color: Almost Black
Margin: Medium

150/980 AR
207/980 RG
216/980 ASR

Possibly the top emergent aesthetic beauty in the collection. A boat in the moonlight.

Token: 474

Key Traits:
Background Color: Banana
Margin: Medium
Baselines: TRUE

178/980 AR
411/980 ASR
412/980 RG

Two pairs of similar-looking characters, perhaps from a different galaxy.

Token: 828

Key Traits:
Background Color: Almost Black
Composition: Pattern
Margin: Negative

448/980 AR
592/980 ASR
594/980 RG

AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio