Aerial View
Mint Date: 03/28/2021
Artist Narrative
My interpretation of Aerial View is a bird’s Eye View over a city block with illuminated/twisted buildings and light trails. It uses an on-chain stored algorithm to represent the generative artwork based on a hash. Each Aerial comes with different distances, building elevations, rotations and colors. Welcome to my genesis project and the first step on my on-chain journey!
6529 Museum Notes:
Aerial Views are great visualizations of city blocks at night. They look great at size!
Token: 242
Key Traits:
Style: astronomical
Lighttrail: Gold
Altitude: 21
16/1000 RG
16/1000 ASR
24/1000 AS
Token: 880
Key Traits:
Lighttrail: Neon Green
Altitude: 19
Colorset: Summer
58/1000 AR
77/1000 ASR
77/1000 RG
Token: 72
Key Traits:
Altitude: 21
Colorset: Retro
Style: satellite
783/1000 AR
836/1000 RG
836/1000 ASR
Token: 995
Key Traits:
Altitude: 19
Colorset: Summer
Style: satellite
560/1000 AR
672/1000 ASR
675/1000 RG
AR: Artacle Rarity | ASR: Artacle Statistical Rarity | RG: Rarity Guide | RS: Rarity Studio